Thursday, October 31, 2019

Leadership Styles Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Leadership Styles - Dissertation Example The guiding research question for the study asks whether there is a dominant leadership style (i.e. transformational, authoritarian, or laissez-faire) used by classroom teachers that helps students score 2400 or higher (commended status) on annual state-mandated assessments and if there are other factors that explain why scores are high under one teacher and why the same set of students can perform with low scores with another teacher. Statement of the Problem Scholars do not know how and to what extent classroom teachers using transformational, authoritarian, or laissez-faire leadership styles impact fourth- and fifth-grade elementary school students in consistently scoring 2400 or higher on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), currently known as the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STARR); the Texas annual state-mandated test. The objective of the proposed study is to investigate the relationship of leadership styles of elementary teachers and fourt h- and fifth-grade students’ state-mandated test scores. ... Three alternatives may be used by classroom teachers, namely, the authoritative style, the laissez-faire style, and the transformational style. Students’ scores on state-mandated tests in fourth- and fifth-grade in an elementary school in Missouri City, Texas, will be utilized. Some students, for example, may have scored above the norm (i.e., 2400 or higher) in fourth grade on state-mandated tests, and the following year, those same students may have scored well below the norm, within the same school setting but with a different classroom teacher. The other variables under consideration are those which facilitate the learning process of students. See Figure 1. Researchers such as Jeanpierre (2004) have examined the topic of leadership styles in the classroom. However, they arrived at limited findings on the direct impact of leadership styles on students’ state-mandated test scores in elementary schools. In addition to elementary schools, community leaders, stakeholders, and business leaders also have public education systems under scrutiny to find evidence of leadership styles that motivate students to score consistently. The results of this study may reveal evidence regarding the correlation of leadership styles and student capabilities and achievements as measured by standardized testing. Logical Procedures In order to determine whether or not leadership style in teaching 4th and 5th grades will have a better impact on the level of learning based on test results of students, initial survey of available authoritative studies on this issue would have to be done. The term â€Å"teacher leadership† should first be defined and distinguished from other types of leadership. If initial research leads to a

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The mutation rate Essay Example for Free

The mutation rate Essay One of the greatest challenges for evolutionary biology is explaining the widespread occurrence of sexual reproduction, and the associated process of genetic recombination. Sexual reproduction involves one individual combining half its DNA with half of DNA of another individual, so that the offspring is only half genetic copy of each parent. However, in asexual reproduction, the offspring are genetic copies of the parent. Thus, sexual reproduction poses an evolutionary problem because it seems to be half as efficient a method of reproducing as asexual reproduction. Asexual females can potentially produce twice as many daughters as sexual females, so that the ratio of asexual to sexual females should initially double each generation, resulting in the two-fold cost of sex.? In addition to this 50% cost and the dilution of the individuals genome, sexual reproduction also presents other disadvantages in comparison to asexual reproduction. First and foremost there is the cost of recombination favourable gene combinations that have increased in frequency under the action of natural selection are broken up. Secondly, the process of sexual reproduction requires a significant cellular-mechanical cost as sex requires meiosis, syngamy and karyogamy. A great amount of time is taken up by these three processes alone, and far exceeds the time required for two mitotic divisions. Also, these processes are unnecessarily complicated if reproduction is sole objective. Asexual spores and meiosis-bypassing apomixis appears much more efficient. Thirdly, sexual species can not perpetuate what are often fitness-improving types (eg: triploids, aneuploids). Finally, the actual physical contact between organisms/gametes entails risks separate from those that are maintained by sexual competition. One of the primary costs of initial contact is the risk of disease or parasite transmission. Another significant cost associated with fertilisation is the eminent wastage of gametes, or more appropriately in some cases, a waste of effort transmitting gametes. Given all of these costs, we would expect natural selection to favour asexual reproduction in wild populations, however, it generally does not: sexual reproduction is widespread throughout the animal and plant kingdoms. Sexual reproduction must enjoy some evolutionary advantage, which means that the advantage is not caused by the process itself, but by the changes it causes in progeny genotypes (as a result of recombination), which should drive the evolution of sex. Thus, the problem of explaining sex is to find a compensating advantage of sexual reproduction that is large enough to make up for its cost. Many theoretical models have been developed to show the conditions under which there is a sufficiently large short-term advantage for sex to offset this two-fold cost. The general consensus amongst evolutionary biologists is that there are two relatively convincing, modern day theories. Both of these theories are concerned with a deterministic advantage to sex and recombination through the production of genetically variable offspring. This increases efficiency of selection, and hence accelerates the increase in mean fitness. The first of the two theories is known as the Mutational Deterministic Hypothesis (Kondrashov, 1988), and states that sexual reproduction can enable females to reduce the number of deleterious mutations in their offspring. This idea requires that each deleterious mutation leads to a greater decrease in log fitness than the previous mutation (synergistic epistasis between deleterious mutations). The principle theme is that when this is the case, sexual reproduction increases the variance in the number of mutations that will be carried by the offspring. The subsequent lowered fitness of the individuals carrying above average numbers of such deleterious mutations will lead to an increased number of deleterious mutations being eliminated from the population. If the resultant mutation rate per generation is sufficiently high, then this process can theoretically fully compensate for the two-fold cost of sex. However, the genomic mutation rate (U) is exactly where the problem lies, as the plausibility of such a Ratetheory is dependent upon a relatively high rate of mutation within the genome. A female gains the advantage whatever the deleterious mutation rate, but the relative benefit increases with the mutation rate. But what deleterious mutation rate is needed to outweigh the two-fold cost of sex? Kondrashov suggests that the answer depends essentially on the details of the theoretical model, but a rate of about one new deleterious mutation per individual is probably sufficient. Thus, sex becomes advantageous relative to cloning if U is more than about one. This is the most controversial point in this theory, because deleterious mutation rates have historically been thought to be much lower. Mukai has performed a number of experiments on Drosophila and deduced that a mutation rate of 0. 5 per individual per generation was sufficient. The problem concerning mutation rates is difficult to solve as there is no strong factual evidence that exists to rule out mutation rates as high as are required for sex to prosper. However, Mukais estimate of 0. 5 per individual was a lower bound estimate, and his results are also compatible with a figure greater than one. The second of the two modern day models ignores the effect of deleterious mutations and concentrates on external environmental change. This model suggests that sex accelerates adaptation to a changing environment by creating new gene combinations.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Child abuse: Cause and effects

Child abuse: Cause and effects Child Abuse Cause and Effects Abstract Child abuse is one of major problem faced by many children around the world and its take the attention of all nations. Children can be abused by different people like parents, strangeness, and member of their families, teachers and other children at school or in the community. Regardless who are the abusers, causes and effects are all same like any other abuse. Child abuse can be categorized into four types: physical abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. Each type has different causes and different effects on child life and on the community. In this paper I will highlight the causes and effects of it .The causes can be due to poverty, family stress, abuse of substances (drugs, alcohol ) and psychological problems. The effects depend on the type of the cause and it can be divided into three categories which can be seen in the individual and reflect in the community. These are Emotional effects, physical effects and behavioral effects. Treatment of child abuse after the recognition of the causes and its effect is important and before that the prevention or stopping it is the chief of all. There are several clear steps everybody especially the family need or must to follow it. Child Abuse Cause and Effects Children are a gift from Goad to every parents dreaming of having a child. They have the right to be loved and treated will, unfortunately; still there are those who are suffering from abuse in the extremely sense of the word. It is also difficult to imagine that any person would purposely cause harm on any child .The word abuse is define as make a bad or wrong use of (Oxford Advanced, Learner Dictionary, 1977, P.4) and a child is defined by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) as Every human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable under the child majority is attained earlier.Barent Barnet stated , Much as we might like to believe otherwise, child abuse is wide-spread.(Barent Barnet,1998) (P1207). There are several terms used by different agencies regarding child abuse. The United state Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) define child abuse or maltreatment as any act or series of acts of commission or omission by a parent or other car egiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child (Child Maltreatment: Definitions, ,April 20, 2009, para.1). Moreover, some child development experts simply they define child abuse as any act which fails to take care of the children. At present the rate of child abuse incidents increased rapidly and continuing and each child around the world in spite of his /her age, sex, race and religion can fall victim for abuse from the strangers or from member of his/her family. According to Child Protective Service agencies, state in 2001 probable 3 million children were reported as suspected victims of abuse and neglect. They reported that young children are most at risk for being abuse or neglect, and 40% of the victims are under the age of 6 years too (Barent Barnet, 1998) (P1207). Child abuse can include many types, has many causes and its affects the innocent children negatively and leaves deep and permanent marks on them. Child Abuse can happen because of poverty, family stress, abuse of substances (drugs, alcohol ) and psychological problems. Child abuses have different forms. It can be physical, emotional , sexual abuse and neglect. The abusers can be from family or a stranger and those are selected to express their difficulties or problems on the helpless children who are unable to defend themselves. The effects of any types of abuse what ever the cause is severe and various according to the form of abuse. It can be seen on the child, family and community. Causes of Child abuse There are several causes of child abuse. First cause is poverty. It happens when the family does not have the resources to provide or to meet the need of their family members especially children like food, proper dress, education .ect. In some poor countries, number of families tends to sail their children to rich people and some they make them to work in very young age or they just leave them in front of any orphaned door because they are unable to meet their need and this consider as abuse for them. Family as we know is considers as core of safety to all children and it is an important sour of love and care. Family problems are the second cause of child abuse, it can be due to divorce so the child will be separated from the family and because of that a lot of problems raised such as both parents asking for their right to take the child. Moreover, child abuse almost occurs in many families with abused parents were they abused before therefore they are reflecting that on their child ren. Some of the parents are young and they dont know how to deal with difficulties that they face when taken care of a child. The third cause of abuse results because the abusers are taken substances which make them unaware of them self or others around them. Substance abuse is become one of the main reasons for the increasing number of child abuse around the world. Through out different studies it was clear that parents with history of substance abuse, most commonly alcohol, cocaine, and heroin, were more likely to abuse their children. This substance can leads to developing abnormal behaviors by the abuser either they are from family or strangers. The last cause of child abuse can be psychological. Parents who do not have a support community of close friends or relatives living nearby may feel isolated. Some of the family members who are suffering from mental disorders tend to harm the child without knowing Forms of child abuse Child abuse can take different forms physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect as mention previously. Physical abuse includes scalding, beating or severe physical punishment and it is easiest to identify the dangers of physical abuse. Sexual abuse includes sexual assault, fondling of genital areas, and exposure to indecent acts or involvement in sexual pornography in the net or in some television channels. Sexual abusers steal from a child their childhood. Emotional abuse includes verbal abuse and unfair criticism, terrorizing acts, and lack of nurturance or emotional support. Child neglect can take on a number of different forms. For instance a childs nutritional needs can be ignored, resulting in a deficient diet and, in turn, a failure to thrive. This type of neglect is not necessarily done purposely and it may result because parents have lack of knowledge regarding a healthy diet or from poverty. Physical neglect results when a child is not provided with shelter a nd clothing. Neglect can also come in the form of inadequate medical care, lack of proper supervision, and lack of educational opportunities. Finally, neglect also includes inadequate emotional care, where a child experiences a continuous lack of response to his or her crying or any other behavior in need of a response. A UNICEF report on child well-being stated that the United States and the United Kingdom ranked lowest among industrial nations with respect to the wellbeing of children. This study also found that child neglect and child abuse are far more common in single-parent families than in families where both parents are present. The type of neglect experienced by children can be dependent on the culture in which child lives. For example, in India one problem still faced by many young women is marriage in small age and some time they are still children. Due to extreme poverty, many girls are consider as a financial burden to their families and are in turn forced to marry in e xchange for money. In some cases, young women are sold. As Segal (2001) notes, under both circumstances these children are inevitably physically abused. Based on the above child abuse with its various forms and causes it has several effects too. It can be short, and others are lifelong so it is differ according to the severity of the abuse and its type. Children with a history of abuse are at risk of developing psychiatric problems. Furthermore, new research linked between exposure to child abuse in all its forms and rates of many chronic conditions that adult develops. The strongest evidence comes from the Adverse Childhood Experiences like V. J. Felitti, MD Kaiser Permanente and R. F. Anda, series of studies which show relations between exposure to abuse or neglect and higher rates in adulthood of chronic conditions, high risk health behaviors and shortened live span. The effects of child abuse can be divided into three categories which can be seen in the individual and reflect in the community. These are Emotional effects, physical effects and behavioral. Starting with emotional effects which include low self-esteem, depression a nd anxiety, eating disorders, bad dreams; bed wetting, difficulties in building relationship, isolation, and personality disorders. Physical effects include life threatening injuries, death, lifelong health problems, difficulties in understanding, and physical disabilities. Finally, Behavioral effects that include problems in school the progress of mental development , criminal behavior, pregnancy of girls in small age, suicide attempts, substance abuse, aggressive behavior, abuse others and anger. In conclusion, it is clear that child abuse is a global problem. It occurs due to several causes which can be financial stress and poverty, adult use of alcohol and other drugs, parents are not having basic knowledge of child care and development. In addition adults can abuse children in different ways for example physically, emotionally, sexually and by neglect. So it is important or must be aware of the signs which may leads to abuse and detect it. These characteristic can appear in: Families who are isolated and not involve with the community. Parents who are having history of abused as children. Families who are most of the time facing money problems. Parents who abuse drugs or alcohol so they become impairment caused by being intoxicated. Parents who are very inflexible in disciplining their child. Parents who show too much or too little concern for their child. Parents who feel they have a difficult child. Parents who are under a lot of stress The effect of these problems are found in the child and then in the community as a result. The effects on a child depends on the degree of the abuse is, the greater the abuse, the greater the effect on the child. Abused children also exhibit conditions like difficulty in building up relationships with others so he/she will be isolated from community. A feeling of guilt and anger can be develop and may become abuser him/herself later in adult stage. It is clear that child abuse regardless of its cause leaves more than just bruises or words; it is a matter which needs a greatest attention since it involves the future generation of the world. Not only they will suffer from the physical and mental abuse, they suffer many long-term effects, including delays in developmental, refusal to attend school, separation from community and anxiety disorders. Even though, child abuse is still continuing and complex problem with many causes, we should not build a negative attitude toward its prevention. Therefore everybody responsible in stopping child abuse by reducing if not eliminating the causes yet we feel angry at abuser who can take away a spirit of a child. Around the world there are many agencies with different program trying their best to stop it. This can be done by adapting several plans for example: Preventing and treat individual with substance abuse Parents listening to their children and talk with them. Educating new parents on the parenting skills since Children need to know that they are special, loved and capable of following their dreams. Stopping child abuse when seeing it. Teaching the child the difference between acceptable and unacceptable touching, and to trust their instincts about people. Educating the parents about the signs of abuse so it will be easy to detect it. Children are an important element in any community; they desire a maximum love and care should be given to them without any restrictions. They are deserves a healthy, save childhood and the opportunity to grow up to normally and become contributing adult able to serve and build up a healthy community. We all want to protect them and guide them in the right direction. References Child Abuse Physical Abuse and Neglect, Psychological Maltreatment, Sexual Abuse. Retrieved December 18, 2009, from http://family Child Abuse. Retrieved December 18, 2009, from hptt:// Coon, D. (2004). Introduction to psychology, Gateways to Mind and Behavior (Tenth Edition ed.). Hornby, A. (1985). Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English. Potts, N. L., L.Mandleco, B. (2007). Pediatr ic Nursing, caring for children and Their Families (Second Edition ed.). The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study,Retrieved December 18,2009, from The Relationship between Parental Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Child Maltreatment. Retrieved December 18, 2009, from The Reality of Child Abuse cause and effect. (2009). Retrieved December 18, 2009, from United state Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),child Abuse,. Retrieved December21, 2009, from What is child abuse and neglect?. Retrieved December 20, 2009, from

Friday, October 25, 2019

Generation Ecstasy :: essays research papers

For my book report I read Generation Ecstasy. There was so much information in the book about the rave scene and "ecstasy", I didn't know where to begin. It's been ten years since the English seized on Detroit techno, Chicago house, and New York garage as the seeds of what's generally agreed-over there, at least-to be the most significant music since punk, and they're celebrating with a slew of historical studies. Simon Reynolds attempts to bridge the gap with "Generation Ecstasy," an exhaustive compendium of almost every rave-associated sound and idea, both half-baked and momentous, that traces the digital Diaspora back and forth across Europe and America. Using the multiple perspectives of music critic, enthusiastic participant, and sociological outsider to trace the development of dance music's "rhythmic phsycadelic," Reynolds, finds two predominant, contrasting strains: the search for gnosis, or spiritual revelation, and the desire to get completely out of it at the weekend. Setting these timeless traits in the context of the up-to-the-minute technology that made rave emblematic of its era-the fragmentary, fast-forward aesthetic, the flexible production and distribution network, the avoidance of personality and narrative in favor of sensation-he comes up with a portrait of hi-tech millennium that resonates well beyond its subculture confines. There are those who might find a book to analyze music that often aims for the effect of a sledgehammer to the head a mite pretentious. Yet the radicalism of dance music lies precisely in its "meaninglessness," which, paradoxically, requires intellectualization in order to get at its significance. This problem is particularly acute for Reynolds, who wants to both valorize everything about techno that makes it resistant to rock-crit "literary" analysis, and also explain exactly why it really did mean something, man. His central tool for resolving this contradiction is the idea of the "drug-tech interface": the reciprocal relationship between Ecstasy (and other less central intoxicants) and machine music that resulted in a feedback loop between sounds geared to enhance the rush, and rushes that inspired producers to take sound into new spaces. The drug-tech interface gives "Generation Ecstasy" a narrative backbone that applies again and again, ac ross continents and cultures from Texas, where Ecstasy culture first reared its head in the mid-'80s, to Scotland, Holland, and Germany. The story starts with the initial, utopic discovery of Ecstasy and its boundary-lowering qualities, and ends, with varying degrees of speed, with the descent into polydrug abuse and depression.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Film Editing Essay

The 1972 film The Godfather directed by Francis Ford Coppolla based on the novel by Mario Puzo that takes one inside the world of the Mafia as shown in the Corleone family where its patriarch, Don Vito is the â€Å"Godfather† but later, the focus of the film would later on shift to his son Michael who at first was not part of the Mafia family, but later on gradually joined it until he became the Godfather. The rise of Michael Corleone from being a â€Å"civilian† to Godfather is made possible by a well-coordinated cinematography which also involves editing. Editing is a film technique where reels of film are subjected to â€Å"cut and paste† in order to weave the scenes into a seamless sequences of events that unfold the moment it hits the silver screen. In this film, the producers make use the continuous editing technique. This approach is employed for the purpose of maintaining continuous or clear narrative action. It begins with the scene when Michael arrives at his sister Connie’s wedding reception which is presided by their father Don Vito. This scene shows that Michael is not part of the other â€Å"family† his father leads as depicted by him dressed in a military uniform which showed he came from the war. The next scene would be the attempted â€Å"hit† (murder) of Don Vito in the market and a separate scene where Michael’s older brother Sonny was killed. This is followed by the scene where he was mauled by corrupt police officers and another where he is handed a gun by his father’s mafiosi which he would use in a later scene to kill McCluskey, one of the corrupt cops and his father’s rival Sollozzo. His brother’s death and later his father, has thrust him into becoming the head of the â€Å"Family† which is underscored by scenes showing the â€Å"hits† on rival mafia leaders while serving as the godfather of his sister’s son. This is capped with the final scene where he closed the door to his study as he is about to preside over a â€Å"family† meeting with his second wife Kay standing by the doorway. These shots were cut and pasted in a way that it follows a progressive sequence. The seamlessness of the scenes shows rhythm in the editing and the intervals were either minimal or eliminated thereby preserving the momentum on focusing on Michael. The film also makes use of eye-line matches where the audience sees things initially from Don Vito’s perspective, at the beginning and switching to Michael, as it is shown in numerous scenes especially his confrontation with Sollozzo and switches to his wife as shown in the final scene when the door to Michael’s office closes with her looking on which underscored that Michael chose his other â€Å"family† thereby sealing his fate. The baptism scene shows the application of the temporal relationships as it is interspersed with the deaths of rival mafiosi, indicating what was happening at the same time. In conclusion, the use of (continuous) editing helped make the story of The Godfather easy to understand and to appreciate totally as it shows a seamless stringing of scenes that show the rise of Michael Corleone to power. Reference Coppolla, F. F. (Director). (1972). The Godfather [Motion Picture].

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

African Traditional Literature Essay

Indigenous literature whether oral or written is the cultural heritage of most societies. Unfortunately, African traditional literature overtime has been treated as something inferior to their Western counterparts. But to a large extent, both traditional African literature and their European counterparts have similar socio-artistic values. Both express interest in the events happening in their society because they recognize their role as social barometer, hence, they need to express themselves properly to their audience no matter the language they use. African traditional literature shares a lot with similar literature from other parts of the world. More recent studies have indeed revealed that the old view that rural societies are not capable of producing elegant literature expressing the responses of men in an advanced culture to events around them is no longer tenable. This view was upheld by Westerners who studied traditional African literature with racial prejudice. They believed that African culture was still struggling for elementary problem of existence and was yet to attain the level of civilization that will facilitate the pursuit of literary achievement. But this view was met with a lot of controversial criticisms, as African Scholars began to argue the importance of African traditional literature in the literary world, stressing the fact that traditional literature is not only relevant, but should also be accorded a literary status in the literary world. Their reasons being that African literature perform certain functions in the society; the noticeable variety in the existing genre and; the competent evidence in the elegant use of language exhibited in the cause of performance with the resultant aesthetic effect, and with time, African traditional literature began to be accepted. But it was not wholly accepted by these Europeans. They began to employ their foreign concepts in the critical evaluation of African traditional literature. They believed that Africans do not possess adequate tools for the appraisal and evaluation of their literature. Hence, they began to employ these foreign approaches in the study of African traditional literature.

Breaking Bad Blue Crystal Meth Rock Candy Recipe

Breaking Bad Blue Crystal Meth Rock Candy Recipe Have you ever wondered what AMC used for crystal meth in Breaking Bad? Walts famous blue crystal meth is rock candy, not drugs! Here is a recipe to make your own blue crystal candy, perfect for a Breaking Bad party or snacks while watching the show. Of course, you can make the candy any color, flavor it, or even make it glow under a black light. Blue Crystal Ingredients You only need a few common cooking ingredients for this project: 3-3/4 cups sugar1-1/4 cups light corn syrup1 cup waterblue food coloring (or whatever color you like)1/2 to 1 teaspoon flavoring, such as vanilla, lemon, or cherry flavoring What To Do If you have a candy thermometer, be sure to use it. Otherwise, watch carefully for any darkening or browning of the sugar, which indicates youre getting the mixture too hot. Grease a cookie sheet. You can use butter, shortening, or non-stick spray.Stir the sugar, corn syrup, and water together in a pan over medium heat.Bring the mixture to a boil and continue boiling for 3 minutes.Stir in food coloring and flavoring, if desired.This is the part where the candy thermometer comes in handy. Increase the temperature to 300 Â °F. The goal is to melt the sugar and harden the candy, but not carmelize (brown) it. Once the mixture reaches the temperature, remove the pan from heat.Pour the hot mixture onto the greased cookie sheet. Be very careful! The candy is extremely hot and sticky at this point.Allow the crystals to cool completely. Use a mallet or hammer to break the crystals into pieces.Store your blue crystals in an airtight container, since humidity will make them sticky. To keep the crystals from sticking to each other, you can spritz them with nonstick cooking spray or dust them with powdered sugar. Glowing Blue Crystals If you want blue crystals that glow blue under a black light, replace the water in the recipe with tonic water. The quinine that produces the blue glow has a distinctive flavor, which you may like or may wish to mask with another flavoring. Learn More Breaking Bad ChemistryCrystal Meth FactsGrow Sugar Crystals or Rock CandyMake Maple Syrup CrystalsHoneycomb Bubble Candy Recipe

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How Simple Planning Will Keep Your Novel On Track - Freewrite Store

How Simple Planning Will Keep Your Novel On Track - Freewrite Store Today’s guest post is by Zara Altair  (@ZaraAltair), writer of The Argolicus Mysteries set in ancient Italy.  Zara also coaches budding writers to create winning stories as  The Story Bodyguard  from her home near Portland, Oregon. Planning Your Novel Works When most writers get an idea for a new story they want to dive in and get going. If you skip planning, your novel is likely to have bumps, detours, and dead ends. You are likely to spend hours of wasted time that you couldsave by planning first. Planning can help you avoid time consuming mistakes, rewrites, characters taking over and derailing the flow, and get you to the end quickly.    Novelists can streamline story writing with creative planning. First brainstorm scenes, then organize them into a story structure. The Story Brainstorm Planning a story can be creative. You don’t have to construct a rigid outline like the one’s you turned in for school. Correct planning is just a creative as the actual writing but in a different way. You brainstorm as many ideas as possible - scenes, bits of dialogue, action sequences, theMcGuffin, what trips up your protagonist. Any and every idea about the story. The ideasdon’t need to be in logical or in sequential order. At this point you are collecting all the bits and pieces you want in your story. Some writers use 3x 5† index cards.Some use a spreadsheet. Some use writing software  like Scrivener. Or, just list them out in a text document. The key is to brainstorm the story and scene ideas. ​Writers want a story unlike any other. Brainstorming your scenes is a creative way to capture the essence of your story. The ideas go straight from your head into story scenes. Keep adding scenes until you have all the scenes of your story. You can move them around as you add scenes, but don't focus on this too much. The concept is to write as many scenes as you can that will be part of your story. The key to this process is that it is a brainstorming exercise. No judgment. If a scene comes to mind, add it to the list. You'll organize them later. Organize the Bits into a Story Structure Once you’ve collected your story bits and pieces, you can rearrange them into a story sequence. This is where index cards or software with moveable components can be invaluable. You can move your ideas around until you feel you have created your story order. It doesn't matter if you use The Hero's Journey, Save The Cat beats, or any story structure device. Different structures work best for different writers. Get your basic plot points. Here is novelistKristen Kieffer's basic list. Exposition. The necessary character, setting, and background details readers need to understand the context of your novel. (Note: exposition is *not* the beginning of a novel, though most often exposition is revealed during the first few chapters in order to set the scene). Call-To-Action.The moment when the hero is called to leave the ordinary world to take part in an otherworldly adventure. Usually found in fantasy and science fiction novels. Rising Action. The series of events leading up to the climax of the story. Crises. Peaks in tension or conflict that occur throughout the rising action of the novel. Climax. The most intense crisis found in the narrative though notnecessarilythe final crisis. Falling Action. The series of events after the climax of the story where questions are answered and any remaining crises occur and are resolved. Resolution.The final moments of a novel where any remaining threads of tension are resolved and a new reality is established. Now you can place your scenes in story order, according to your chosen plot structure. Use a cork board, software, or a document to order your scenes. Some writers enjoy the tactile sensation ofphysicallymoving cards while others like the convenience of software or even text documents eliminating the need to transfer handwritten notes into typed text. It doesn’t matter which tools you use. It’s the process that will help you with your novel. Story Structure: The Container for Your Scenes At this stage two things can happen: You find you have scenes missing to complete the full story structure Scenes on your list don't seem to fit in the story structure ​Now it's time to refine your structure. If important scenes are missing you can add them to complete the full cycle of your plot. This part of the process helps you make sure the entire storyline is complete. Take a look at those scenes that don't fit in the story structure. If you don't find a place for the scenes to move the story forward, it's time to let them go. You can save them for another story if they are too precious to throw away. Rewards of Brainstorming and Structure With the scenes in line with the structure, it's time to write. The immense benefit of brainstorming the scenes is that you already know what happens. You don't have to stall wondering what comes next. You've already envisioned the scene. And, you have already envisioned the story fromstart tofinish. Once you have completed the brainstorm and structure, you’ll find may benefits to taking the time to plan your novel. Write Faster As you write, you won’t wonder what comes next. You’ll be using your creativity and writing skills to write the best scene to move the story forward. Your scenes will flow because you already know not only the basic elements of the scene but also where the scene fits in the story. You can incorporate foreshadowing without using a heavy hand. Save Time Because you are writing faster and know where you are going with the story, your novel will flow without wondering what comes next or how to follow-up on a scene later on. Eliminate Rewrites If you have done your work thinking through the story elements and the structure, you won’t toss scenes or entire chapters because the story shifted while you were writing. The time you spend at thebeginning creating and organizing your scenes, will keep you on track with your story. No Writing Yourself Into a Corner Without a plan, many beginning writers find that characters take over and lead the story off in an unforeseen direction. Then, off track theyare unable to take back control and find themselves in a â€Å"story corner.† The brainstorm and organize process shuts the door on story wandering. You Stay in the Story Flow Because you know the overall story, youare always headed toward the story end as you write. You have already tested each scene for how it fits in the overall story plan. Your only job when you are writing is to make the scene come alive. Scenes as Building Blocks Every scene is a building block for your novel. The brainstorm and structure process eliminates unnecessary scenes before youspend time writing them. You have already calculated which scenes fit inside the story structure and how they build the story within the sequence. Planning is the Key to Story Ease Simple planning eliminates many novel writing frustrations. Novel writers who use this simple technique find they are closer to their story the moment theybegin writing. They discovered plot holes and completed the story structure before writing. They save time by eliminating unnecessary scenes, conquer character derailment, and keep themselves from discouraging rewrites before they write. This simple planning process builds your story creation creativity. Every story has been told. Planning helps you create the story that is truly yours. Writers who use simple planning find their stories flow as they write scenes. They get to a satisfying conclusion and they finish the novel.    How do you plan your writing? Let us know in the comments!    Zara Altair  (@ZaraAltair) writes The Argolicus Mysteries set in ancient Italy featuring patrician Argolicus and his lifelong tutor, Nikolaos: The Used Virgin, The Peach Widow, and The Roman Heir. She writes for the web as a semantic copywriter and is working on a book for writers: SEO for Authors.  Zara also coaches budding writers to create winning stories as The Story Bodyguard from her home near Portland, Oregon.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Criminal law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Criminal law - Essay Example There can be two types of manslaughter, voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary manslaughter occurs when a person kills with a malice aforethought or intention (mens rea). Involuntary manslaughter occurs when death occurs because of negligence or because of another illegal, dangerous act. To clarify, Actus Reus is the criminal act. It often goes with mens rea. There are two types of involuntary manslaughter. These are Constructive Manslaughter and Gross Negligence Manslaughter. Constructive manslaughter or Unlawful Act Manslaughter usually occurs when death results from the defendant’s unlawful act. To understand the concept of involuntary manslaughter, we could put the situation of David and Nick for consideration. David and Nick could be charged with Constructive Manslaughter. The prosecution, if the duo should be charged with Constructive Manslaughter, needs to establish the legal elements in the case. The actus reus was homicide, specifically manslaughter. The death occured b ecause of David and Nick’s unlawful act of damaging the tyres of the car Gordon drove. The mens rea for this situation would be the mere idea that they should puncture the tyres of the politician because they are unhappy with the way the politician runs the government. The mere thought that they should inflict an illegal act upon someone’s belongings, whether the intention is to kill or not, is sufficient enough to charge someone of manslaughter, because they intended to inflict harm on someone. Because the death only resulted from an act they performed indirectly on the politician, it can’t be murder. Since the killing is the result of the David and Nick’s unlawful act of slashing the tires, and they were reasonable enough (not insane) to rationalize that they needed to slash Gordon’s tyres because on the grounds that the politician was causing their problems, the act is Constructive Manslaughter. The act cannot be considered murder as they slashe d the tyres without meaning to kill the person, even if it meant the death of the driver of the car. The mens rea is quite clear and they indeed meant harm to the politician, although not necessarily his death. The death happened because of the injuries sustained from the head injuries that were incurred during the accident, which is not a direct harm but merely a consequence caused by the defendants’ actions. This phenomenon is called the Natural Consequences of the Defendant’s Act, like the R v Pagett Case in 1983 where the defendant tried to use a little girl as human shield when he was being arrested by the police. The girl died because she took the bullet. This case is similar to David and Nick’s case because Gordon died because David and Nick put him in danger because of their behavior. David and Nick could also be charged with Gross Negligence Manslaughter. This happens when the death is because of negligence or omission on the part of the defendant. Acco rding to the judge in R v Bateman (1925) 19 Cr App R 8, the negligence of the accused showed disregard for the life and safety of others as to amount to a crime. To describe the grossness of the negligence in a case, the Adomako (from R v Adomako (1994) 3 All ER 79Â  )Â  test: a) the existence of a duty of care to the deceased; b) a breach of that duty of care which; c) causes (or significantly contributes) to the death of the victim; and d) the breach should be characterised as gross negligence, and therefore a crime. Since

Friday, October 18, 2019

Solutions of Slow Housekeeping Service in Palomar Hotel Research Paper - 1

Solutions of Slow Housekeeping Service in Palomar Hotel - Research Paper Example The researcher states that the nature of the problem requires that the staff offering housekeeping services obtain more training as a way of enhancing their effectiveness in the delivery of this service to customers. The training will equip the staff with the necessary skills needed to ensure service delivery is up to date. The upgrading of the Property Management Systems will also ensure that the failures in the hotel identified easily and countered before they lead to massive customer effects that would signal dissatisfaction that would lead to loss of customers. Through the implementation of these two solutions, the problem at Palomar Hotel proves easy to detect earlier and handle to maintain the level of service delivery. From the above, the thesis of the study is to develop the two solutions of staff training and improvement of Property Management Systems in order to address the problem of slow housekeeping services at the hotel. Through the thesis, the problem will become addre ssed and will help guide the company back into proper customer management aspects that will promote the service delivery and promote customer satisfaction. These are all detailed in the body of the work that follows. The different solutions as provided in the introduction are the provision of additional training for the staff that deals with housekeeping services and the upgrading of the Property Management Systems (PMS). Considering these aspects in relation to the customer comments that reflected the time taken for cleaning a room, the delays in response to customer calls and the delays in delivery of towels that indicated delays in responding to customer needs, the company needs to ensure the situation improves to avoid major effects in customer satisfaction. Additional training to the staff to provide more refresher information to guide them in responding to customer requests will improve the level of speed with which housekeeping services are conducted. Additional training will enable the employees to learn how to handle customer request and the response to give to ensure the customer feels attended to.

An Examination of American and British Representation of Women Essay

An Examination of American and British Representation of Women Throughout and After the Second World War - Essay Example So the government authorities collaborated with the industry, the media and womens associations in an effort to support them to join the workforce by telling women it was their partisan responsibility to go to work. But devotion was not the just an encouragement for the women that the War Manpower Commission used to draw in women into the labor force. A lot of employment plans used the idea of augmented economic success to draw women into the labor force. In reality, a number of posters went so far away to glamorize war employment, in addition to pressurize the significance of women functioning in non-traditional professions. This paper will look at the innovative part that women unspecified once the war started, the troubles that they face together within the home and on work, even including women after the world war two and the consequences that the war had on them. Trying to grasp the home front mutually as there was a war waging overseas was not a simple duty. Women were not just requested to complete the everyday jobs that were in general waiting for them, but they were told to go to job. Unexpectedly, their very personal lives were curved into a very open and nationalistic reason. The modifications that women experienced in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s would be sensed by the generations to come. Usually the women position was considered to be in the house. She was accountable for food preparation, cleaning, taking care of the kids and looking her best. So when the war busted out, it was obvious that the America would not be capable to succeed the war devoid of the aid of their women, the habitual housewife and mother turned out to be the â€Å"wartime worker.†1 Still a great deal of the misinformation of the time used touching plea corresponding with nationalism. Women were continuously being repeated that their hus bands, sons and brothers were at risk as they were not getting the provisions they required. Mottos for

Business ideology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business ideology - Essay Example The centralized, authoritarian technology is portrayed as bad technology that squeezes the human spirit and manipulates people’s minds. Apple personified the Mac as the good technology – independent, individualized -- that can liberate the individual from the bad technology. Microsoft presented a similar ideology with the message by CEO Steve Ballmer (1986) that depicted Microsoft providing people-ready computing. Microsoft claimed that their innovations facilitated the supremacy of people. A comparison with IBM in the form of a direct assault, Microsoft declared that the pitch of IBM is to help companies with its innovations, at Microsoft the tone is to give power to the people to innovate. Microsoft, like Apple, emphasized the ideology of empowerment by making a striking contrast to IBM as the veiled power behind the centralized, spirit-subduing hegemony. In effect, Microsoft was duplicating Apple’s ideology and strategy. But Apple’s approach went deeper than its marketing implication. Apple advanced the integration of its technology as the nucleus of its strength. By keeping up a closed system, uniting proprietary software and hardware, Apple could provide, it asserted, a more enhanced user experience. The message was: You did not have to be bothered about the technology – it simply worked – so that you could focus and be creative on doing your work. Microsoft, which built up its market dominance in PCs on an open structural system, is now embracing the Apple strategy as well. Microsoft claimed that its integrated platform of corporate software provided a better enhanced user experience, from the operating system to the desktop application. Microsoft argued through Jeff Raikes (Business Week, Mar.2006) that Microsoft offered more capabilities by product integration, a blend of technologies having more impact. Again the message was: Liberating people to innovate. Would this integrated ideology work for Microsoft? It may be recalled

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Dynamic Of Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dynamic Of Business - Assignment Example Moreover, to continue receiving $7.99 options on trades and stock, 75 percent fee is charged on per option contract and 150 stock or options trades must be executed by the final quarter. IRA TD Ameritrade Account Company offers $100 bonus on new accounts opened and funded with $25,000-$99,999 within 60 days of the account opening. Additionally, $300 bonus, necessitate $100,000-$249,999 funding on the account within 60 days of the account opening. The bonuses continue up to $2,500 bonus, with $1,000,000 funding of account within 60 days. Comparing the three firms, E*Trade seems to be the most appropriate company for investment objective since they offer $7.99 commissions for options trade and stock accumulatively with increasing stock. (a) The pros of investing in exchange-traded funds (ETF) include an increase in personal finance and after-hours trading while cons include down under finance businesses and fast money recap challenges. a) There are various indicators of the performance of the economy, which the Federal Reserve Bank can use to determine how best the economy performs. For instance, the most fundamental aspect is that, which measures the levels of economic growth. For this case, Janet Yelled may monitor the incomes generated by households and the values of the assets that businesses own in the economy. The second alternative is monitoring and tracking the profits and market shares for the corporate institutions in the economy. At the national level, Janet should monitor the national income statistics of the nation, which is the sum of all the revenue sources for the country for each trading period. The last aspect is a measure of the Gross Domestic Product of the nation (Cassidy 1). b) Ben Bernanke, the former Fed Chairperson, worked hard to prevent the country from a major financial meltdown. He worked against the odds of the Federal Reserve by cutting down on the lending rates for the banks and supplying loans to troubled firms, as well as buying debts for some major companies in the country. For such a case, it meant that banks did not have a direct control of the lending rates (Cassidy 1).

Ethnic group of elderly people Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethnic group of elderly people - Research Paper Example The research aims to collect data from an ethnic group of elderly people highlighted the cultural patterns among which they were living their life. The methodology employed was participant observation and interview method by the researcher and the mode of research was ethnographic research method. The researcher had to take informed consent and establish rapport with the participants of the study to undertake the research process. The data collected from the researcher showed the type of life spent by the subject in the old home and their values, beliefs and life styles. It was found out that they were strongly attached with each other and had a good sense of belonging with spending their life according to their religious and cultural background. The research gives a valuable insight into the life of elderly people which can be used to study the cultural patterns of this ethnic group. It is expected that the study would prove to be useful for the future researchers as well who would like to study the same topic. The ethnic group chosen for the research is elderly people living in the old homes. The mode of research was participant observation as well as in-depth interviews were also being conducted to obtain additional information about the subjects of the study. The topic chosen for the ethnographic research is the nature of life spent at old homes by elderly people. Also the purpose of the research was to gain significant insights about their life styles as manifested by their appearance, interaction with peers and other things. The reason for the selection of this topic was to conduct research in a significant area that was related to a segment of a society that was generally neglected and needed attention. Therefore, the study was focused on elderly people to understand their issues and concerns that they had about the society and also to make their situation better by making themselves heard by others in the community. As the research tools used to collect data were participant observation method and interview method, it was necessary to establish rapport with the subjects of the study firstly before conducting the actual research. Another ethical consideration was taking consent of the participants to use them as subjects of the study which was enabled by asking them about their willingness to take part in the study. The informed consent was taken from the old home’s management staff to use the residents as the participants of the study. The permission was granted and 15 elderly people were used for the research by asking them individually about their willingness to participate in the research process. The ages of elderly people were from 75- 90 and both men and women were included in the research sample. In order to establish rapport with the participants, an effort was done on making them open up and take part in discussion with the researcher who had to meet them frequently and engage in friendly conversation with the aged people. The researcher asked about their general well-being and showed concern for them which made the elderly take the researcher as a friendly person with whom they could share their personal feelings and thoughts. In order to proceed with the research process, the researcher constantly met with the elderly people for a period of two weeks on regular basis. The researcher spent two to three hours with them daily and observed the type of life they spend in old home. The interviews were taken from the participants occasionally to synthesize with the information taken from the participants’ observation. Main Discussion The research was undertaken on elderly ethnic group by means of interview and participant observation method. The concepts of anthropology applied on this research are ethnicity, culture and race. Ethnicity implies a group of people living in the same

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business ideology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business ideology - Essay Example The centralized, authoritarian technology is portrayed as bad technology that squeezes the human spirit and manipulates people’s minds. Apple personified the Mac as the good technology – independent, individualized -- that can liberate the individual from the bad technology. Microsoft presented a similar ideology with the message by CEO Steve Ballmer (1986) that depicted Microsoft providing people-ready computing. Microsoft claimed that their innovations facilitated the supremacy of people. A comparison with IBM in the form of a direct assault, Microsoft declared that the pitch of IBM is to help companies with its innovations, at Microsoft the tone is to give power to the people to innovate. Microsoft, like Apple, emphasized the ideology of empowerment by making a striking contrast to IBM as the veiled power behind the centralized, spirit-subduing hegemony. In effect, Microsoft was duplicating Apple’s ideology and strategy. But Apple’s approach went deeper than its marketing implication. Apple advanced the integration of its technology as the nucleus of its strength. By keeping up a closed system, uniting proprietary software and hardware, Apple could provide, it asserted, a more enhanced user experience. The message was: You did not have to be bothered about the technology – it simply worked – so that you could focus and be creative on doing your work. Microsoft, which built up its market dominance in PCs on an open structural system, is now embracing the Apple strategy as well. Microsoft claimed that its integrated platform of corporate software provided a better enhanced user experience, from the operating system to the desktop application. Microsoft argued through Jeff Raikes (Business Week, Mar.2006) that Microsoft offered more capabilities by product integration, a blend of technologies having more impact. Again the message was: Liberating people to innovate. Would this integrated ideology work for Microsoft? It may be recalled

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ethnic group of elderly people Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethnic group of elderly people - Research Paper Example The research aims to collect data from an ethnic group of elderly people highlighted the cultural patterns among which they were living their life. The methodology employed was participant observation and interview method by the researcher and the mode of research was ethnographic research method. The researcher had to take informed consent and establish rapport with the participants of the study to undertake the research process. The data collected from the researcher showed the type of life spent by the subject in the old home and their values, beliefs and life styles. It was found out that they were strongly attached with each other and had a good sense of belonging with spending their life according to their religious and cultural background. The research gives a valuable insight into the life of elderly people which can be used to study the cultural patterns of this ethnic group. It is expected that the study would prove to be useful for the future researchers as well who would like to study the same topic. The ethnic group chosen for the research is elderly people living in the old homes. The mode of research was participant observation as well as in-depth interviews were also being conducted to obtain additional information about the subjects of the study. The topic chosen for the ethnographic research is the nature of life spent at old homes by elderly people. Also the purpose of the research was to gain significant insights about their life styles as manifested by their appearance, interaction with peers and other things. The reason for the selection of this topic was to conduct research in a significant area that was related to a segment of a society that was generally neglected and needed attention. Therefore, the study was focused on elderly people to understand their issues and concerns that they had about the society and also to make their situation better by making themselves heard by others in the community. As the research tools used to collect data were participant observation method and interview method, it was necessary to establish rapport with the subjects of the study firstly before conducting the actual research. Another ethical consideration was taking consent of the participants to use them as subjects of the study which was enabled by asking them about their willingness to take part in the study. The informed consent was taken from the old home’s management staff to use the residents as the participants of the study. The permission was granted and 15 elderly people were used for the research by asking them individually about their willingness to participate in the research process. The ages of elderly people were from 75- 90 and both men and women were included in the research sample. In order to establish rapport with the participants, an effort was done on making them open up and take part in discussion with the researcher who had to meet them frequently and engage in friendly conversation with the aged people. The researcher asked about their general well-being and showed concern for them which made the elderly take the researcher as a friendly person with whom they could share their personal feelings and thoughts. In order to proceed with the research process, the researcher constantly met with the elderly people for a period of two weeks on regular basis. The researcher spent two to three hours with them daily and observed the type of life they spend in old home. The interviews were taken from the participants occasionally to synthesize with the information taken from the participants’ observation. Main Discussion The research was undertaken on elderly ethnic group by means of interview and participant observation method. The concepts of anthropology applied on this research are ethnicity, culture and race. Ethnicity implies a group of people living in the same

Discuss how Stevenson presents duality in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Essay Example for Free

Discuss how Stevenson presents duality in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Essay In this essay I will show how Robert Louis Stevenson has presented duality in his novella Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The novella is about a respectable gentleman, Dr Jekyll, and how, under the pressure of high society in Victorian England, experiments with potions to eventually come up with one that would turn him into Mr Hyde, a disreputable and evil man. Written in 1886, the novella was based around the pressure to be respectable that Robert Louis Stevenson himself felt in high society of the Victorian era. It was also influenced by scandals of the time such as Deacon Brodie. Brodie, who suffered from gambling debts, was a cabinet maker for people in the higher class. To try and pay off his debts he would break into the cabinets that he had sold and steal the valuables inside. This fits into the story of Jekyll and Hyde since Jekyll is a nice, respectable gentleman who turns into an evil, lower class man, Hyde. There was also a growing awareness of chemistry and psychology at the time the novella was written. Sigmund Freud, a famous chemist and psychologist, convinced people that duality did exist in humans that in one person there could be both good and evil, such as in Jekyll and Hyde, who were the same person, with the help of a potion, but Jekyll was good and Hyde evil. Since the novella was written in 1886 it was targeted at Victorian people. When it was first published it sold around 40,000 copies, mainly to the higher classes of Victorian England. They would have seen it as a twist on a horror book. The Victorians were into gothic books, except that they were always set in foreign countries and in the past. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde differs to these stories since it was set in London and in the then present day. In 1888, Jack the Ripper surfaced in the newspapers. This would not only have boosted the sales of Stevensons novella but would have been connected to it. Both the former and the latter ideas are because of the rumour that went around England at the time that Jack the Ripper was someone of upper class and respectable by day but commit atrocious murders by night, like the duality of Jekyll and Hyde. Duality appears throughout the novella, including the characters. Mr Utterson is a lawyer and good friend of Henry Jekyll. of a rugged countenance, that was never lighted by a smile; cold, scanty This description of Mr Utterson, from the first page, portrays him to be a grumpy man, with sharp features on his face, who doesnt get on with anybody and who would drink on his own. However: somehow loveable. This quote, again from the first page, shows the duality of the book since Utterson is described to be miserable and yet everybody loves him. This is enforced by the adjective lovable since this word implies that he is pretty easy to get on with and he isnt just liked by those who know and get on with him, instead he is loved. The quotes convey that no matter what someones demeanour they can still be kind and popular. This introduces the theme of duality for the reasons said above. I let my brother go to the devil in his own way. Being a lawyer, Mr Utterson is supposed to help others in any way he can, however, this metaphor is telling the reader that no matter how much he could do for someone, Utterson doesnt really care about them. This portrays Robert Louis Stevensons idea of duality. least save his creditI shall be back before midnight, when we shall send for the police. This quote shows duality since Utterson himself said that he would let his brother go to the devil in his own way, yet here he is trying to save the reputation of one of his very good friends, Jekyll. To do this though, the good, honourable, respectable, law abiding lawyer does not send for the police as soon as he and Poole, Dr Jekylls butler, discover the dead body of a certain Mr Edward Hyde lying on Jekylls cabinet floor. Instead, he goes home for two hours to read the letters that both Dr Lanyon, another good friend of both Utterson and Jekyll, and Jekyll left for him to read on the disappearance or death of Henry Jekyll. It also shows duality in that Utterson is a lawyer, who should go to the police but doesnt. in case of disappearanceread the name Gabriel John Utterson. This quote shows duality because as Utterson finds, and reads, Jekylls Last Will and Testament, Utterson, to his own amazement, reads his name instead of Hydes. This shows duality since Utterson is down as the last good friend of Dr Henry Jekyll, who would become disreputable and a big scandal if any one were to find out what he did. Dr Lanyon is another character in the novella, and a good friend of Jekyll and Utterson. This was a hearty, healthy, dapper, red faced gentleman with a shock of hair prematurely white. This quote portrays Lanyon to be a friendly, upper class gentleman who has plenty to drink. However, later on in the novella, Stevenson describes Lanyon: The rosy man had grown pale; his flesh had fallen away; he was visibly balder and older This quote and the latter, reveals the duality between them since in the first quote he is described as being healthy and in the second as being on his death bed. The reader would want to know what has happened in such a short time to make this change in Lanyon appear so suddenly because he saw Hyde mix the potion, take a drink, and turn to Jekyll in front of his very own eyes all of which is revealed in the second to last chapter Dr Lanyons Narrative. To get the potions to Hyde however, Jekyll had to get Lanyon to steal for him. The very idea of Jekyll wanting another respectable gentleman breaking in and stealing the potions for him and Hyde would have been a very big scandal if Lanyon was caught, and Lanyon would go from respectable gentleman to disrespectable in a few hours. Stevensons novella is all about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. the doctor gave one of his pleasant dinners This shows how Jekyll is popular among the upper class, among his friends, and rich enough to hold dinners. The adverb pleasant conveys to the audience that everyone Jekyll invited got on with each other and it reinforces the idea that Jekyll is rich since he can hold dinners and provide nice food. sat Dr Jekyll, looking deadly sick. This quote describes Jekyll sitting in his large cabinet room, after the death of sir Danvers Carew. It reveals how Jekyll is feeling remorse for knowing, or as the reader later finds out, for being Mr Hyde who was identified as the murderer of Carew. It portrays how Jekyll regrets his actions and wishes, to get away from the pressures of high society life in Victorian England. 8th of January Utterson had dined at the doctorsOn the 12th, and again on the 14th, the door was shut against the lawyer. This reference conveys to the audience the duality in the novella, since four days after Utterson had seen Jekyll, and dined with him and Dr Lanyon, he was being denied entry to Jekylls house. This shows the duality since Jekyll was so ill that he couldnt stand up to greet Utterson when Utterson went to see him, before being fine and healthy enough to hold a dinner party and then not allowing anyone into his house to see him all of a sudden without anybody knowing why. born in 18__ to a large fortune This quote portrays how Henry Jekyll recognises how he was born into a rich family. The adjectives large and fortune suggests he was born into a highly respected family, something that was of high importance in Victorian England. It shows how he didnt have to work hard for the position in society that he was in, only keep up his appearances with others of his class. worst of my faults was a certain gaiety of disposition, such as made the happiness of many This reference shows that Jekyll felt money wasnt everything. He felt that where it made most men content, it didnt make him happy. It conveys to the reader how he wants to be happy, although where he is in life and society wasnt making his wishes come true. We learn later in the novella how this wish brings him to start mixing formulas that would eventually turn him into Mr Hyde. found it hard to reconcile with my imperious desire to carry my head high The quote above portrays how, although Jekyll wants to be happy, he believes the only way would be one that was irreputable. However, he does not wish to lose his place in the upper class of society and he does not wish to lose his friends, both of which would happen if he did what he desired to do to become happier. This therefore is what led Jekyll to create the potion, as well as the written version of events, for Utterson to read, in Henry Jekylls full statement of the case where Dr Jekyll writes his version, and the truth of what happened in the last months of his life. Hence it came about that I concealed my pleasures This reveals how Jekyll had been hiding secrets since before creating the mixture that would turn him to Hyde, hiding what it was that was making him happy. The verb concealed tells the reader that Jekyll was being very careful about his pleasures. It conveys the importance of nobody finding out about Jekylls secret more than if Stevenson had written the verb hid instead. already committed to a profound duplicity of life. This conveys one of the themes in the novella, the theme of duplicity, and how it is not only in the settings and the characters but that the characters knew about it. We know this because of the adjective duplicity portraying to the reader how Jekyll has two lives, however different they are. morbid sense of shame. This quote reveals how although Jekyll wanted to be happy, he is ashamed of how his life has turned out. The alliteration of the s sound in sense and shame enforces the idea, in the readers mind, that he is ashamed of being Mr Hyde, of what he has done and is still doing as Mr Hyde and that both of these irreputable things are making him happy. not truly one, but truly two. This does not reveal duality within the story, rather in the themes of the novella. It indicates the views of Dr Jekyll that in one man, there is both good and evil, one of the themes. Jekyll describes how good and evil are different parts of the soul, and that good conquers evil in a raging war within the soul, and that is what makes a man good. flushed as I was with hope and triumph, to venture in my new shape As this quote conveys, Stevenson has written about how someone can be addicted to drugs. It shows that even someone of high stature can become addicted, in this case Dr Jekyll. Jekyll is addicted to how he can do what he wants as Mr Hyde, without losing any of his own stature, rather than do the respectable things he would have to do as himself to be happy. It reveals duality in the fact that a respectable gentleman such as Jekyll can be addicted to the painful pangs and nausea the mixture makes him feel, whilst turning into Hyde. Edward Hyde is often portrayed animal-like. like a monkey jumped up from among the chemicals. This quote makes the reader imagine a monkey like creature jumping up upon hearing Poole, Jekylls butler, coming towards Jekylls cabinet. It creates the picture of Hyde being small, dumpy, and hairy and as having very long arms, whilst showing duality since Hyde is a man not a monkey. The other snarled aloud into a savage laugh In this quote the adjective snarled gives the image of Hyde as a savage beast, again being portrayed as some sort of animal. It also conveys how Hyde is an evil person, since someone who is portrayed as being a savage cannot be any good, and this would have been the view of people in Victorian England. Stevenson has used language to paint a picture of what Hyde might look like in the readers mind. so ugly that it brought out the sweat on me like running. This reference, again, allows the reader to imagine what Hyde looks like. It conveys how the other characters react to Hyde, that they all feel an air of deformity whenever they see him or speak to him, and that he looks so ugly, so mean that they feel uneasy around him. All of the latter three quotes show duality since Hyde is portrayed as being a small and ugly man with the impression of being deformed somewhere on his body. He is also conveyed as a mean, evil person via the descriptive language used by Stevenson. This is in contrast to Jekyll, since Jekyll is a respected gentleman and doctor of chemistry, who is regularly invited to dinner parties hosted by other well respected people in society. He is also taller, thinner and older than Hyde. All of the characters who meet Hyde in the novella seem to act in the same way towards him. This conveys to the reader just how unlikeable Hyde is. This is important to the story because it shows how everybody thinks him an evil man. It helps show the duality between Jekyll and Hyde. However, it isnt just the characters that show duality within Stevensons Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It is also revealed in the settings the weather and the buildings and also in the narrative structure. The doorneither bell nor knocker, was blistered and distained. Tramps slouched This quote portrays the quality of the door that Hyde uses to enter Dr Jekylls house and grounds. This is in contrast to the front of Jekylls house: which wore a great air of wealth and comfort This portrays an image of what Jekylls house looks like from the front a grand house whose owner is wealthy and of a high social class. The latter quote also shows duality with Hydes house in Soho. showed him a dingy street This quote portrays what kind of area Hydes house is in. In the Victorian era, Soho was poverty stricken and full of prostitution, although there is no indication that Hyde was into prostitution and gambling (other than Jekyll turning into Hyde because doing respectable things did not make him happy). It shows the difference between Jekylls big, respectable house in a respectable of London and Hydes dingy flat on a polluted street in the centre of London. An ivory faced and silvery haired woman This quote describes the Soho house landlady (or Hydes landlady). When the reader reads this they presume she is a nice friendly woman. However: She had a smooth face, smoothed by hypocracy shows duality in contrast with the quote before. It shows how a nice old lady may look nice but in fact can be evil, someone who doesnt like herself. I say evil because later in the chapter The Carew Murder Case she is excited and delighted by the idea of Hyde being in trouble with the police. Hydes house in Soho is, to Uttersons surprise, well furnished. furnished with luxury and good taste This conveys duality with how the house looks on the outside. With Soho being a dodgy area in Victorian England, and the street being described as dingy, the reader first imagines a poor, poverty filled room, not a luxury, well furnished house. London is also shown in a dual nature. down a by street in a busy quarter of London. The street was small and what is called quiet. This quote shows duality in how although a street is in a busy area of London, off a busy main street; it is actually very quiet (it would be expected to be busy if its off a main street). Stevenson has even included duality in the weather. cool and a little damp, and full with premature twilight,still bright with sunset. This quote conveys duality to the reader since Jekylls courtyard is described at the beginning of the quote that it is cold and looks as though it is around the time frame of dusk. However, the later half of the quote explains, it is in fact still sunny (nearing sunset) and so in theory Jekylls courtyard should be quite light. A fog rolled over the city early part of the night was cloudless. This reveals duality because it shows how the night was cloudless, until the fog came in. the adjective rolled gives the impression that the fog came swiftly, rather than slowly. About nine in the morning number of degrees and hues of twilight dark like the back end of evening This quote conveys to the reader that whatever time of day it is in Soho, it still looks like its dark, like it is night. This quote shows the duality of the weather by giving the time of day and describing what it looked like. The fog described is more likely to be smog from the factories, since the novella is set in the Victorian times. However, it does cast an eerie effect on the image conjured in the readers mind, would have made them think something sinister was about to happen. There are many locked doors in Stevensons novella. This symbolises how secretive the story is, Utterson hypothetically being stopped solving the mystery of Jekyll and Hyde, by doors not able to be opened until another section of the mystery is found, and the actual looked doors that Jekyll shuts himself up behind. The narrative structure also shows duality since in the first seven chapters the narrative is third person. resumed the lawyer. This shows the third person narrative structure of The Last Night. However, the last two chapters are written in first person, Dr Lanyons Narrative is written by Lanyon from his point of view and tells of what he knows about Jekyll and Hyde, and explains the cause of his death. The last chapter is also in first person, however this is from the perspective of Dr Jekyll himself, who explains everything that had happened. I rose from my place These show duality because the first seven chapters, although written in third person, are all about Utterson and what he does to try and unravel the mystery between Jekyll and Hyde. They also show Uttersons thoughts and feelings. The chapters are all arranged to follow what happens to Utterson and the titles are all to do with what happens within the chapter itself (and give a clue to what the chapter is about). The last two are in the order they are because that way Lanyon doesnt repeat what the reader knows from reading Jekylls chapter, if they were the other way around. In this essay I have shown how Robert Louis Stevenson has presented the theme of duality in his novella Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I have achieved this by analysing the language of the text that describes the characters, weather, buildings and the narrative structure.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Style Of Quentin Tarantino Film Studies Essay

The Style Of Quentin Tarantino Film Studies Essay   Quentin Tarantino has his own distinctive style that mirrors his quirky vision of the universe. From the early Reservoir Dogs   to the stylish Pulp Fiction, Tarantino has challenged both viewers and the movie industry to look at the medium in a new way. His 2009 effort, the ultra-violent war film Inglorious Basterds, is a solid hit and every bit a Tarantino film. This paper discusses the film in general as well as its cinematography and editing. Discussion            Tarantino is a   director known for his love of film in general. He is knowledgeable about the medium and enjoys paying homage to it by sometimes filming scenes in a way that resembles works by other directors; or by putting a great many pop references in his film. This makes his films very hip, but it can also date them. However, because this film is set in a specific time and place-occupied France in 1944-these are quibbles.            Tarantino is also known for telling several stories simultaneously and bringing the threads together at the last moment to make a coherent whole. This is the structure of Pulp Fiction, in which three separate stories are told out of order: characters that are killed in one story show up later in the film, because that part of their story hasnt been told yet. At times its best to just sit back and let Tarantino do his thing and sort it out later.            Inglourious Basterds is just such a film: there are possibly three stories running simultaneously: the story of the Nazi Colonel Hans Landa and his hunt for Jews (Christoph Waltz); the Basterds themselves, led by Lt. Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt); and the Jewish girl Shoshanna Dreyfuss (Mà ©lanie Laurent), who works in the cinema that will be the setting for the films explosive (literally) climax. Critics are singling out Waltzs diabolical, cruel, witty, charming and perverse Colonel Landa as the best thing in the film; he won the Oscar as Best Supporting Actor for his work, along with almost every other award its possible for an actor to receive. That raises some unpleasant questions: Waltzs character is the representative of possibly the most despicable regime ever to disgrace humanity, so what does that say about audiences who find him attractive and funny? Landa becomes a sort of guilty pleasure, as well as an object lesson in the fact that evil can sometimes wear a very attractive face: There is nothing more disturbing than finding something commendable in a character you want so badly to condemn (Meadows).            The film is simple: Raines group of commandos has been dropped into occupied France with only one object: to kill Nazis. They do so, often with a baseball bat or other suitably unpleasant means, and scalp them (Tarantino). They also have a penchant for carving swastikas into their victims foreheads and their gruesome tactics have unsettled Nazi officers all the way up to Hitler.            The film has surprised   some audiences by its length and others because for a war film, it is surprisingly non-violent; the violence is extreme and gruesome but sparse and contained within a few set pieces. The rest of the film contains a lot of dialogue, which is a hallmark of Tarantinos work. He is in love with dialogue; he likes to explore human relationships and does so by letting his character literally speaks for themselves. People who complain that theres no enough action in the film seem to be missing the point. Berardinelli notes that the long dialogue scenes are merely priming the pump for the action that follows: With every sentence, the tension mounts. Tarantino uses these sequences to prime the audience, teasing them until the suspense is nearly unbearable, then releasing it in one explosive burst. The films editing includes title cards that identify each scene, an old fashioned technique that some critics like while others denigrate. Its the same technique that silent films pioneered, and it has the effect of making the film feel very literary, almost as if the audience has to read it like a book rather than watching it.            The cinematographer on the film is Robert Richardson, who was director of photography for Tarantino on both Kill Bill films; he has also worked on films like The Aviator and A Few Good Men as well as The Horse Whisperer, Casino and Snow Falling on Cedars   (MacGregor). If these films have anything in common, its that they have nothing in common, but in each case Richardson has brought to life their [the directors] most grandiose aspirations in a way that is unrivaled and incomparable (Ebenezer).            In this film, numerous critics have pointed to the scene which introduces Colonel Landa as a perfect example of Richardsons gifted cinematography; he works magic with the lighting and framing here as he does throughout the film (MacGregor). In this scene, Landa is questioning dairy farmer Perrier LaPadite, who is suspected of harboring Jews; as he continues to question the farmer, the camera circles the table moving closer and closer, as if it is tying up the farmer in invisible cords (MacGregor). When Landa orders his men to shoot through the floor, killing the Jews he knows are hidden there, its almost a relief because the tension is so high its unbearable. This is Richardsons skill; and it is on display throughout the film. The structure of the scene of course is Tarantinos; it is his direction. But Richardson has the skill to shoot it the way Tarantino wants it shot, so that it brings his vision to life. Richardsons use of color is extraordinary; for instance, in the scene where Landa comes to the farmhouse, the day is beautiful, clear and sunny; the sky is blue and birds are singing. And into the midst of this idyllic scene comes a monster. The juxtaposition of Landa with the beauty of his surroundings, especially as he then orders the murder of the hidden Jews, is brilliant. It reminds viewers that things are not what they seem, and that the potential for violence is ever-present. It can be argued that the United States today is one of the most violent societies on earth, but the threat of drive-bys, gang wars and shootings cannot compare to the terror of living under the Nazi occupation, where punishment for the slightest infraction was swift and brutal. When Landa pops up in the middle of the idyll ic scene, the day is ruined. Much of the rest of the cinematography is muted, sometimes suggesting old newsreels with washed out colors. This could indicate the age of Europe, or the draining effect of war; it makes Europe, which is beautiful, cold and harsh, in keeping with the mission the Basterds have undertaken. The New York Times also mentions the cinematography, though it is less complimentary than most to the movie overall. Dargis writes that whether or not a viewer likes the film has a lot to do with whether he or she can just groove on Tarantinos cinematic style, which includes his exuberant framing  and staging, his swooping crane shots, postmodern flourishes (Samuel L. Jackson in voice-over explaining the combustibility of nitrate prints) and gorgeously saturated colors, one velvety red in particular (Dargis). With regard to the films much-discussed opening scene in the farmhouse, Dargis calls it a marvel of choreographed camera movement and tightly coordinated performances. When the scene moves ins ide the building, Tarantino provides another homage: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the German soldiers outside are positioned within one of the windows, a shot that recalls the framing of an image in Monte Hellmans 1971 cult classic, Two-Lane Blacktop' (Dargis). Tarantino also gives a nod to a great Hollywood character actor of the 1950s, Aldo Ray, by naming his main character Also Raine; Also Rays widow served as a casting director on this film (Dargis). (For a delightful look at Aldo Ray, look at Were No Angels the original starring Ray, Humphrey Bogart and Peter Ustinov as three Devils Island escapees who are neither as tough nor as evil as they pretend to be.) As for the rest of the film, however, Dargis is less enthusiastic. She notes that the film is actually five set pieces, each organized around specific bits of business and conversations that increasingly converge (Dargis). The first chapter introduced Colonel Landa; the second brings in the Basterds while the third brings Shoshanna together with Joseph Gobbels (Dargis). The fourth chapter deals with the plot to kill Hitler and the final chapter is the destruction of the fire and the death of many of the characters (Dargis). While all this works, Dargis has trouble with Tarantinos use of slow dialogue scenes and she is particularly disquieted by Colonel Landa, whom she describes as charming and seductive (Dargis). A man who is the tool of a regime as repellant as National Socialism should have none of these qualities. And yet Landa has no equal in the film; he owns it, and that makes for some uneasy viewing (Dargis). Conclusion            Inglourious Basterds would be uncharacteristic for any other director but for Tarantino its merely the latest in a string of films that glorify brutality and make heroes out of the most unlikely people: hit men and Nazi colonels. Its also full of Tarantino trademarks: long dialogue scenes that lead up to shot, explosive action sequences; homage to other films; and a never-ending river of blood. He has also, as usual, played with film itself, using title cards that hark back to the days of silent films, and (mercifully!) having his German characters speak German, his Italians speak Italian, his Frenchmen speak French and so on. This means he has also subtitled some of the scenes, but again, this is a director who truly seems to love playing with the medium and all its capabilities. Whether a viewer will enjoy the film or not particular when it contains scenes of soldiers being beaten to death with a baseball bat and other horrific violence probably depends on whet her or not he or she is a Tarantino fan. If so, theyll know what to expect; if not, it can be a bit much. But all in all, the film has proven to be a solid success and another hit for a quirky filmmaker who breaks all the rules.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

William Shakespeare and His Works Essay -- William Shakespeare biograp

William Shakespeare, the figure to whom the most influential works of literature in history are credited, was born in April of 1564 (the exact date is approximated as April 23rd, also the date given as his death fifty-two years later) in Stratford, England to John and Mary Shakespeare. He grew up in relatively middle-class surroundings, attending grammar school and studying Latin, logic, and literature, from which he graduated to marry a woman by the name of Anne Hathaway. With Hathaway he had three children, two girls and a son, and as a playwright and poet, Shakespeare went on to enjoy moderate success in his time, writing thirty-seven (known) plays and several works of poetry. Of course his plays would be well underappreciated during his time (as with all great artists), but later, such titles as King Lear, Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth would only begin a list of some of the most appraised scripts ever written (Armstrong, 1-5). While these plays carry the weight of Shakespeare’s legacy, he was also a dedicated poet. During the years of the black plague in the late 16th century, theaters were closed from 1592 until 1594, and Shakespeare spent his time writing lengthy poetry, including Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucree, and continued work on his sonnets, a volume of poems which he wrote over a span of about a decade. This book of sonnets has raised some of the most captivating questions in all of literature, as their vagueness and mysterious allusions have puzzled critics for centuries, who attempt to use them to piece together parts of Shakespeare’s life, of which relatively little is known. One of the most frequently investigated questions is that of Shakespeare’s sexuality; the so... or the other, some fascinating truth about the author himself, as though he intended to leave it there. After all, when one gives the book of sonnets to a loved one as a traditional gift, does one bare in mind that the sonnets praising love and beauty are more than likely written to a man, while those written to a woman are of darkness and remorse? Certainly, at least hopefully, not. Whatever the case may be, the sonnets were written from the heart, with an honest pen and a true heart, something that can be appreciated by any generation. It has been said that Shakespeare can be seen as â€Å"nothing less than the inventor of the human,† (Keevak, 68). What Shakespeare did intend to leave us with was something beautiful that can be appreciated in whatever context we may chose to present it, so long as the humanity that these works contain is preserved.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Manipulative Advertising Essay -- essays research papers

Manipulative Advertising According to Tom L. Beauchamp, manipulative advertising â€Å"limits free and informed action† (472). It is sort of like convincing customers to purchase something, but it is based on incorrect or inconclusive information. â€Å"Advertisers use attractive rates, enticing images, and a variety of forms of suggestion to hinder or block reasoned choice† (479). One example is â€Å"phony discounting where retailers present fake percentage markdown from suggested retail prices that are imaginary or artificially inflated† (472). The customers are mislead into thinking they are actually receiving a bargain.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Use advertisements to manipulate people is sinister because â€Å"normal† people’s freedom to choose freely is taken away. The important thing to remember is that it is not what was said and or done by the advertiser, but how a person (people) respond to what is trying to influence them. It is somewhat like lying, but it is the truth stretched out so far that it never seems to reach a lie. Some advertisers do lie and are held accountable in the sense that their business suffers because of it, but for the most part manipulative advertising is very common and well practiced especially in the United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A very sad point concerning manipulative advertising is that advertisers, advertise to everyone including those very vulnerable people. Children as well as those with a weak state of mind, such as the ment...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Macbeth : a tragic hero or bloody tyrant? Essay

Written by William Shakespeare probably in late 1606 or early 1607, Macbeth is considered by many people to be the darkest of Shakespeare’s works. The play is a tragedy about death and deceit amongst the Scottish noblemen. It focuses on the rise and fall of the main character, Macbeth. The argument on whether Macbeth is a tragic hero or a bloody tyrant still remains unsettled. In order to answer this question, we have to define the characteristics that make up a tragic hero. According to Dr. Peter A. Smith from the English department of Kentucky State University, a tragic hero possesses many several criteria. Firstly, the character must be of noble stature, meaning he is a man with outstanding quality. His actions must affect an excessive amount of people. Secondly, his downfall is the result of his tragic flaw or â€Å"hamartia†. However, the most common flaw is excessive pride or â€Å"hubris†. Thirdly, the hero’s decline is thew result of his own â€Å"free will†. Although â€Å"fate† has a very important part in the play, there is always a factor of choice portrays in the story. Fourthly, the audiences are usually left feeling that the hero’s misfortune is not wholly deserved. The fifth criterion is that the tragic hero will eventually realise what went wrong but it is too late to undo the harm. Lastly, after the death of a tragic hero, the audiences feel the cleansing of emotion or â€Å"catharsis†. On the other hand, a bloody tyrant can be identified as some one who is self-deceived, remorseless, unmerciful, and avaricious. The character should be of bad reputation and is generally disapproved by others. They should be lacking of consideration and sympathy for others. Also, they should exhibit a constant yearning for more and more power. Macbeth, at the different stage in the play, possesses many characteristics of both a tragic hero and a bloody tyrant. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is portrayed as a brave warrior who has fought for King Duncan and has just won the battle. On his way back from his assignation as Thane of Glamis, he encountered the three witches who greeted him with many pleasant predictions. Their prophecies were the fact that triggered Macbeth’s ambitious soul. However, he was still seen as genuinely loyal to the King â€Å"The service and the loyalty I owe, †¦Are to your throne and state†¦ Which do but what they should by doing everything Safe toward your love and honour.† (Act 1: Scene 4: L 22-27) He already appeared to fit the criterion of tragic hero since he was courageous and respected. He has saves Scotland and many lives from the battle. After Duncan had announced that his son, Malcolm, would succeed to the throne, we first learned of his flawed personality. â€Å"Stars, hide your fires, Let not light see my black and deep desires,† (Act 1: Scene 4: L.50-51) He was asking the stars not to shine because the light would make others see his dark desire. He did not want anyone to know about his future evil plan. So far, Macbeth’s character still corresponded to the characteristics of a tragic hero. We must see how his character developed. In the next scene, Macbeth met his wife, Lady Macbeth, who appeared to have thoroughly planned out Duncan’s murder. She encouraged her husband to eliminate Duncan so that Macbeth, in the near future, would be entitled the king of Scotland. However, Macbeth’s conscience was troubled. â€Å"†¦Besides, this Duncan†¦, hath been So clear in his great office, that this virtues Will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued against The deep damnation of his talking-off.† (Act 1: Scene 7: L.16-20) He knew that by killing Duncan who represented a figure of decent human being, heaven itself would detest his decision and he would be condemned. After struggling with his conscience and showing his reluctance to betray the king, he finally decided not to kill Duncan. â€Å"We will proceed no further in this business He hath honoured me of late, and I have bought Golden opinion from all sorts of people,† (Act 1: Scene 7: L.31-33) Macbeth was, perhaps, being selfish and wanted to be admired by the people for a bit longer, or his conscience might be causing his determination to weaken. Both reasons demonstrated that he was showing mercy, and mercy was definitely not a quality of a bloody tyrant. At this stage, he was not yet a bloody tyrant. However, later when Lady Macbeth insulted him by calling him a coward and questioning his masculinity, Macbeth changed his mind. Lady Macbeth’s speech was considered to be very persuasive. She also brought up the concept of being the same in action as in desire to Macbeth. It seems as of every time Macbeth gains back his conscience and follows the path of righteousness, his fatal weakness, which is ambition, always spurs him on and leads him back to the vicious path. His wife also plays quite a major role in manipulating Macbeth to do as she desired. He chooses evil over goodness. This is his own â€Å"free will.† The external force that keeps pressuring him cannot control or decide for him. After murdering Duncan, persuaded by his wife, Macbeth shows the sign of being quite repentant, hoping to undo the crime. â€Å"Wake Duncan with thy knocking: I would thou couldst† (Act 2: Scene 2: L.77) His wife apparently has forced him to do something a bit against his will. At the same time that this happened, Malcolm and Donaldbain decided to elude to England and Ireland respectively to escape the accusation. Macbeth, therefore, was entitled to be king and accessed to the throne. Once Macbeth realised the suspiction BanQuo had on him, including his fear for the witches’ prophecy, that Banquo would be father of a king, would become true, he decided to get rid of Banquo and his son, Fleance. Fortunately, Fleance has escaped. His ambition and pride started to increase. His plan to kill Banquo was kept secret from his wife. This showed that he had gained more self-confidence. His flaw has driven him to kill. Once Macbeth ascended the throne, he organised a feast at his castle. In my opinion, the feast represents the turning point of his character in the play. He began to show more of the vicious qualities. The ghost of Banquo has appeared to him at the banquet, and he began to hallucinate. After the guests have left, Lady Macbeth tried to calm him down. Macbeth was so mad that he has vowed to destroy anyone standing in his way. He was now in the point of no return. â€Å"†¦I am in blood Stepped in so far that should I wade no more †¦ Strange thing I have in head that will to hand, Which must be acted ere they may be scanned† (Act 3: Scene: 4: L.140) â€Å"We are yet but young in deed† (Act 3: Scene 4: L.144) Macbeth was saying that he has done so many bad deeds that he could barely wait to engage in the evil acts again. We could clearly see at this stage that Macbeth’s character has developed into someone who appeared to be malevolent by nature. He had lost all his good equalities. His speech showed his extreme hunger for power and control. He would kill according to his will. Macbeth later went to see the witches again and has received three apparitions. The witches told him that someone who was â€Å"none of woman born† would bring about his death. This prophecy has made him even more arrogant thinking that he was invincible, and it seemed to give him new pleasure for killing. He has Macduff’s family murdered and his castle demolished. After the death of Lady Macbeth, he took actions into his own hands. In the end, he suffered from internal revolt and eventually killed by Macduff, who later revealed that he was born by caesarean. Even though, towards the end, Macbeth has adopted most of the characteristics of evil tyrant, his death produced â€Å"catharsis† in audiences. Our emotions are cleansed knowing that the throne is now in charge by good people. Macbeth started off as being a â€Å"tragic hero†, but eventually, towards the end, his madness and hallucination has transformed him into a â€Å"bloody tyrant.† Bibliography 1. 2. 3.